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Don't Grow Weary!!

Updated: Jan 23, 2019

Galations 6:9 (AMP) "Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, IF WE DO NOT GIVE IN!

Galations 6:9 (The Message) "So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time, we will harvest a good crop..IF WE DON'T GIVE UP OR QUIT!"

To be sick and tired of being sick and tired...I know the feeling all to well. At times, I notice my faith growing weary. There are moments when I feel like telling God...where is my blessing? I am faithful to your Word. I go to church. I pray often. I give what I have to give. Why am I living in a dry season? I have been planting seeds but I have seen no growth. I feel like having a moment like Jesus asking God, "Why have thou forsaken me?!"

There are times when I grow tired of giving to others and never receiving anything in returned. I began to wonder why God gave such a heart for others. I felt used and drained. I was praying individuals out of situations. I was giving my last to help someone else. When I needed help, there was no one to turn to. I WAS WEARY!!!

There are even times when I was looking for a promotion or higher paying job. I put in application after application to no avail. I was praying without ceasing. "God, where was my increase? You said if I asked and believed, I would receive in Mark 11. You know how much I am struggling. I need You!" I WAS WEARY!!

Then, January 24th, 2018 happened. There was freezing rain. I was driving cautious to work/ school with my son until my car lost control. I hit a tree. My air bag deployed. My son was screaming and crying. My face was hurting. I had a broken nose. My son has abrasions on his face. My car was totaled. I WAS SO WEARY!!!

"Weary" means feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep. I was doing what I was supposed to, but I felt forsaken. I was giving my all, but I felt empty. I was growing weary until God reminded me of this verse.

This is where the "BUT GOD" comes in!

This is His promise. I know you might want to grow weary but I'm telling not to quit. I have a bigger reward for you in due season. AT THE RIGHT TIME! AT THE PROPER TIME! You will reap what you have sown. Please take the limits off of Me. I am at work! Cast your cares on Me because I care. Don't Give Up! Don't Grow Weary!

I was giving my last to help others. God was taking tally. When I didn't know how I would pay a bill, somehow I was able to pay it. I didn't know how I would feed my family. God placed it on someone's heart to bless me. He didn't forsake me. I was overlooking the "in due season" rewards. It wasn't what I thought it should look like. So, I felt God didn't care.

I was applying for jobs. God was reminding me to be still. I had a job that He blessed me with. There are others who do have a job. He has a plan. He knows what I need. Some companies I applied for where not the one for me after reading reviews. He said Be Still. There is more for you to learn.

Yes, I got in an accident. Guess what?! I am still here to tell you about that accident. My son is alive. We could have been dead! He covered us! I got another car. I would not be able to get another life. I was having anxiety driving, but God was using that to strengthen my faith in Him.

So no matter what it looks like....DON'T GIVE UP! He is working! No matter how big or small. He has His Hand on you! "I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread"-Psalms 37:25

Don't Give Up! Walk In His Will! Don't Get Weary Because In Due Season...You Will Reap!!!!!

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