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Welcome the Storm

There was so much rain this morning on my way to work today. I found myself getting annoyed. Funny thing...It also rained on my Wedding Day. Most Brides would completely annoyed but that day my sister looked up what rain meant on your wedding day. It means that when a tied knot gets wet it is difficult to unravel. It signifies a strong union. Beyond that, the picture above says that rain helps and promotes growth. Flowers bloom after a rainy day. Dead grass is revived after a good rain gets into the soil. Instead of finding all the negatives when it rains, look at it as a symbol of growth. A new thing is coming when it rains. It washes away the old and sprouts the new.

I thank God for the rain. I welcome the rain. I want to see me as a new person. I want to see the growth that comes. When it rains, I am reminded that I am growing. I am blossoming into better.

Leviticus 26:3-5 (MSG)

"If you live by my decrees and obediently keep my commandments, I will send the rains in their seasons, the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their fruit. You will thresh until the grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting time; you'll have more than enough to eat and will live safe and secure in your land."

This verse makes me excited. God is telling us if you just keep my commands and live the way I have explained for you...I will pour out blessings. If you notice, God uses "rains" is plural meaning that the blessings don't stop pouring out in your life. Obedience yields blessings and promises. You cannot put a time limit on God because he tells us in their season...He will send the rain in due season, when the time is right and when he feels it is time to receive. Do not compare your time with anyone else. Your journey is your journey! I love when I know that God has selected the path for me and nobody else. I am special and He will send my rain specific for me and specific to the time he has set up for me. So when you see the rain, thank God for sending rain specific for you and get ready to receive whatever blessing he has in store for you. When He sends it, it will be more than will be abundant. It will be more than you can carry. You will be blessed in the city, blessed in the field. Blessed when you come and when you go.

He created all of these beautiful things on this Earth. Do you ever stop and think just how much he can do for you?! He gave you life and literally put breath in your body. Why are you limiting Him when he can breathe live into your situation, your desires and the promises you ask for? Ask for it. Reach out and Claim It! Let's welcome the rain.

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